About Not On Faith

Faith... The Ultimate Cop Out

"Faith is believing what you know aint so" ~ Mark Twain

A common refrain heard among the believer of all religions is "you got to have faith". This is generally the final cop out once their arguments for the existence for their own preferred brand of deity have been eviscerated one by one. With a hand wave, your logical arguments are summarily dismissed with "Well you obviously just don't have faith".

With a resounding "no", I do not have faith.

I demand you support your claims with evidence, not personal testimony, logical fallacies and appeals to emotion.

This blog focuses on faith claims made by those in power, those who wish to legislate over our rights as people, using their unsubstantiated claims of faith and "knowledge" of their god's will about how they believe we should behave.

If you are anti-choice, you must provide reasoned logic to support your position. The same goes for your stance on marriage equality, if you're against it, what is your reasoning. It is against my religious belief's just won't cut it my friend. Unless of course you can prove that your god exists, that you know what your god wants, and that your god is anti these things too! And you're going to have to do a lot better job of proving that than telling me that I've got to have faith. Show me the evidence!

Think you can tell me how to lead an ethical and rewarding life? Not on faith you don't!


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