Welcome to yet another new blog on the blogosphere! One more among many hundreds of thousands of other blogs with hundreds upon hundreds of topics and themes. So most likely, this one will go the way of most and eventually peter out as the author's enthusiasm wanes with each day and comments are as rare as rocking horse shit.
But nothing ventured, nothing gained, no cliche left unturned. So I'm going to give it a go, and with luck, effort, some interesting topics, a writing style that you will enjoy, and more luck, mostly luck, then maybe, just maybe, this blog will gain some followers and start to enjoy a to-and-fro dialogue between author and commentators.
The main topic at hand is that of "faith". And that means religious faith, taking things unseen and without evidence as truthful. I will, however, also speak to other subjects that interest me as takes my fancy from time-to-time. Hopefully this will help keep the blog interesting and vibrant.
But the main thing that keeps a blog interesting and vibrant is the participation of the reader, and that's you! Please comment. Please dive in with your thoughts and opinions. You are free so say what you please, but trolls are obvious and when spotted will be sent underneath the bridge to torment billy goats gruff.
If you have ideas for posts, or you would like to participate as a guest poster, please email me at reasonmakessense[at]gmail[dot]com. I'm open to anything, but please don't feel bad if I don't get back to you, I have a day job, although I promise I'll try.
So let's get started. I'll be looking at ways to promote my blog via social media sites and other tools, and if you see something you like, please share it with others.
Thanks for reading, I hope we can share an internet adventure together.
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Obvious troll is obvious and will be sent back under the bridge.